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Astrology Horoscope Queen
Patricia Rogers, Intuitive Astrologer

Pallas-Athena: The Asteroid Goddess and Power in Your Astrology Chart! (#2 of 4 Part Series)

Patricia Rogers, Astrology Horoscope Queen • August 9, 2021

Tap into your super powers in your Astrology Chart

The Mythology of Pallas tells us she was born by splitting the head open of her father, Jupiter*!  She emerged fully grown and dressed in armor! She was "born ready"!

Pallas is considered the multifaceted goddess of war, wisdom, poetry, artisans, craft-working, and intellect. She is strong-willed and powerful. As Jupiter’s favorite daughter, Pallas was forever loyal to her father, no matter what!

It may seem contradictory for the goddess of art and wisdom to also be a goddess of war, but in this case, it made sense! Her brother Ares (a.k.a. Mars) was also Jupiter's offspring, and famous for being the god of war: yet the term "war" meant two entirely different things to these two very different gods. Ares (Mars) was the god of chaotic battle, bloodlust, ferocity, courage, and violence. On the other hand, Pallas was the goddess of strategy, organized fighting, advanced weaponry, and skilled manipulation on the battlefield. 

If Ares/Mars was offense, Pallas was defense. If Ares/Mars represented pure force, Pallas represented controlled strength. The two were not enemies by any means, but the warriors would often choose one or the other to pray and ask for their favor - depending on their position in battle and the style they chose to fight with. It bears noting that Pallas never lost a Battle or War! Her presence on your side assured a big win! 

Pallas is the woman in a “Man’s World” - competitive, skilled, and highly intelligent!  Pallas is still active in a man's chart - representing his feminine energies to negotiate, and win without someone else having to lose.  Pallas can also represent females in your life who demonstrate and teach those attributes for you to learn and incorporate - especially when fighting for the underdog (including yourself)!

In her youth, Pallas accidentally killed her best friend (Athena) during practice of martial arts. Her remorse led her to adopt her friend’s name and keep through her life as a reminder of unintended consequences from letting your passions cloud your judgment.  Forever more, she would be referred to as Pallas-Athena!

There are variations on the mythology about whether Athena killed Pallas, or the other way around.  There are also variations on whether the proper hyphenated name is  Pallas-Athena, or Pallas-Athene.  They can all be considered synonymous, with little to no impact on their meaning in your astrology chart.

In an astrology chart, Pallas represents your talents in the arts, wisdom, defense, intuition, justice and artisan endeavors. Pallas shows where you are a master at negotiation and artfully make win- win situations, as well as “offers people can’t refuse”!

The placement of Pallas* in your natal chart often describes your relationship with your father, and how you treat males in general, as a result. Pallas in your chart shows the battles you chose and how you fight them.  On her negative or shadow side, Pallas shows how we struggle with conflict, legal battles, injustice.  It can also indicate struggles with illnesses due to a weakened immune system.

*Click here for info and samples of Natal Astrology Chart Interpretations and how to get yours!

Pallas in the 12 Astrology Signs indicates how we focus, strategize, find patterns, and inventive solutions to tricky situations. Pallas  shows how we can go too far and cause damage – yet often will learn a valuable lesson!

Pallas in Aries: Assertive and takes leadership role to heart. Positive: Gets results!   Negative: Abrasive and “goes it alone” (and often too far)!

Pallas in Taurus: Strategic with money, resources and establishing value. Positive: Resourceful – Negative: Stingy

Pallas in Gemini: Great in communication & technology and can easily multi-task. Positive: Excellent sales & mediation skills  Negative: Superficial

Pallas in Cancer: Great in domestic endeavors, nanny, caregiver and home organization. Positive: Sensitive and nurturing - especially to family.    Negative: Over-protective

Pallas in Leo: Great with kids, as a coach for sports, theater, and the fine arts. Positive: Creative & young at heart– Negative: Drama Queen

Pallas in Virgo: Healthful lifestyle – great as a personal coach & trainer, and nutritionist. Positive: Cares for “good of the whole”.  Negative: Fanatical

Pallas in Libra: Champion of the underdog, human rights and justice. Super Girl! Positive: Understanding & fair – Negative: Doesn’t know when to end.

Pallas in Scorpio: Mystery solver, secret keeper and knows where to find power & money. Positive: Determined – Negative: Ruthless

Pallas in Sagittarius: World traveler to expand horizons and blend cultures and philosophies. Positive: Dreams big!  Negative: Unrealistic goals (especially for others).

Pallas in Capricorn: CEO of whatever they do! Effective in merging and handling disputes & conflicts of all types. Positive: Effective & goal oriented! Negative: Ruthless & uncaring

Pallas in Aquarius: Humanitarian and futurist that offers ideals and means to achieve them. Positive: Visionary Negative: Idealist but not realistic.

Pallas in Pisces: Rescuer and first responder, especially with down-and-out types. Positive: Devoted 

Negative: Neglects responsibilities or enables

Pallas in the 12 Houses:  Indicates area of life where we’re likely to focus, organize and solve problems.  (I.e. 4th House - family, 7th House, relationships).

Pallas in 1st House: Constantly looking for ways to improve and master their world.

Pallas in 2nd House: Entrepreneur that knows money and value of material resources.

Pallas in 3rd House: Siblings, neighbors and strategic in communications. Good uber driver!

Pallas in 4th House: Home improvement goddess and nothing is too good for the family!

Pallas in 5th House: Playtime becomes opportunity to teach, express creativity and exercise!

Pallas in 6th House: Efficiency at its best – and stresses benefits for working hard!

Pallas in 7th House: Conflict resolution – especially with interpersonal relationships!

Pallas in 8th House: Finds the “dirt” and never stops until all secrets uncovered!

Pallas in 9th House: True ambassador and student of the world. Could involve courts.

Pallas in 10th House: Organizer of the organization! World stage of business and success.

Pallas in 11th House: Championing “good causes” and paves the way for change.

Pallas in 12th House: Fights institutions for better conditions (i.e. jails, hospitals).

Quick Facts:


  • Pallas - Warrior for Peace
  • "Goddess of Artisans and Negotiations"
  • Father - Jupiter
  • Sister to Mars/Ares and Vesta
  • 2nd Asteroid discovered 1802
  • 2nd Largest of all asteroids - 338 miles diameter - orbit is 4.6 years (similar to Ceres' orbit)
  • Symbol is spear over the Cross (representing artisan's spinning wheel)


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Book: Pallas Athena (Women of Mythology: Goddesses, Warriors, and Hunters)

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